
In an emotional encounter marked by hope and the longing for spiritual renewal, the Jesuits of Haiti gathered for the second time since the end of the pandemic to carry out their Spiritual Exercises. The event took place during the week of July 9th to...

With great joy from the Carrefour Charles community, a town in southern Haiti, the final 20 houses of the "Jesuit Response to the 2021 Earthquake" Program were blessed.As you may recall, in August 2021, the area was affected by a strong earthquake that left many...

Last Saturday, May 13th, in the Church of Saint Ignatius in Paris, eight Jesuits from five different provinces, all students at the Centre-Sèvres, were ordained deacons by Archbishop Théodore Kodidis, a Jesuit and Archbishop of Athens. Olivier Dewavrin (France), Cédric Lecordier (Mauritius), Pradeep Alwyn Albuquerque (India),...

"We're back! After a month of inactivity on our website due to a security issue, we have finally resolved the situation and resumed our activities. During this time of uncertainty, especially in the central part of the country, life has continued despite the difficulties. One of the...

Work began to remodel and expand the Osmond Parish Temple, in the northeast of Ouanaminthe, which is the border city with the Dominican Republic. The city has about 100,000 inhabitants. Its parish priest, Fr. Delices Brillaire, directs the work, which is estimated to be ready...

The Jesuits of Haiti have returned to Mexico. The last ones to form in the novitiate and philosophy did so at the beginning of the 2000s. Today three “Escolar” have begun their studies in Philosophy at ITESO, the Higher Education Institute of the Company of...

Thanks to the Zoom platform, the Jesuits of the Territory had our annual meeting. Taking advantage of the virtual modality, our colleagues who live abroad for study or mission reasons join us. Today, the Society of Jesus has 65 Jesuits who belong to the Mission...

Fr. André was born in 1929 in Montreal. He died at the age of 93 in the city of Ouanamenth, in northern Haiti. André dedicated the last years to the formation of the Jesuits in Haiti. Ultimately, he was living with the community of Novices...